
  1. 启动命令
  • 快捷键规划
    1. window
    2. desktop
    3. create/quit
  • 启动命令

    brew services restart skhd
    brew services restart yabai
    brew services restart spacebar
    sudo yabai --load-sa



    快捷键 描述
    alt - h focus west window
    alt - j focus south window
    alt - k focus north window
    alt - l focus east window


    快捷键 描述
    alt - 1 focus desktop 1
    alt - n focus next desktop
    alt - p focus previous desktop
    ctrl - alt - 1 move window to desktop 1
    ctrl - alt - n move window to next desktop
    ctrl - alt - p move window to previous desktop


    快捷键 描述
    alt - w close current window, and focus left window
    alt - q close current desktop, and focus recent desktop
    alt - c create desktop
    alt - ctrl - c create desktop and move current window to the new desktop

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